
Python Advanced Wardialing System

Now this is an oldskool topic, wardialling! Some people still ask me about wardialling tools though, so here’s one I found recently written in Python.

PAW / PAWS is a wardialing software in python. It is designed to scan for ISDN (PAWS only) and “modern” analog modems (running at 9.6kbit/s or higher). Wardialing tools are - despite their martialic naming - used to find nonauthorized modems so one can disable those and as result make access to the internal network harder.

For PAW list all numbers you want to be dialed into the (text) file “dial.lst”, one in each line - numbers only, no spaces, plus signs, dashes or slashes please.

For PAWS the numbers are accompanied by the ISDN modes to be tested in the (text) file “dial.lst” in the exact format you find in the example file (you can delete individual ISDN types, though), one in each line - numbers only, no spaces, plus signs, dashes or slashes please. A syntax check of any kind is effectively non-existant, so be careful.

Make sure the device your modem is attached to is set correctly in paw.py in the variable “tty” at the top of the file.

Then simply call “./paw.py” or “./paws.py” and watch - a verbatim full log will be written into paw_dialing.log where CR, LF and TAB will be translated into readable equivalents. For PAW an additional summary will be written as CSV file in paw_dialing.csv

You can download PAW/PAWS here:

paw.tar.gz (analog wardialer only)

paws.tar.gz (ISDN & analog wardialing)

Or read more here.

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