
.NET Intrusion Detection System

This tool is another one on the side of protection, again for web-based applications but this time for .NET applications it’s called .NETIDS (.NET Intrusion detection System). This tool is capable of detecting on attacks on web applications and gives the developer the possibility to react. The project files include filter rules and function stubs to react on possible intrusions which may vary from logging to warning or redirecting the user.

The goal of this project is to provide am additional layer of protection to any .NET application this project is used with. This also includes the detection of XSS, directory traversal, SQL injections, protection against overwriting JS objects and methods, advanced logging functions, categorization and tagging of the single filter rules and interfaces for reacting on possible intrusions.

.NET IDS is a actually a port of PHPIDS, which we’ve mentioned before, to the .NET Framework. The library is fully CLS compliant and implements exactly the same filtering sets as the PHP version.

.NETIDS can be used in three ways.

The first method is by inheriting your ASP.NET pages from the SecurePage class. This offers an easy and customizable way to scan page input. If you are relatively new to the .NET Framework this is the simplest way to secure your applications.

The second method is more customizable but harder to implement for novice programmers and involves working directly with the IDS objects.

The third method (available in the upcoming release) is by using the supplied HttpModule.

You can find the documentation here:


You can download .NET IDS v. here:


Or you can read more here.

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