
Secure File Deletion and Data Shredding

One of the many misconceptions about file deletion is the fact that files can be recovered even if they are deleted on the computer system by the user. Deleting files normally moves them to the recycle bin from where they can be recovered easily. But even deleting them in there or pressing the Shift key during deletion will not remove the file completely from the computer system. The Windows operating system for instance will only enable write operations on the data sector the file was stored in. This means that file recovery tools can recover these files with chances being better the less time has passed since the deletion and recovery attempt.

Delete On Click is a very straightforward security software program for the Windows operating system. It adds a Delete On Click entry to the Windows Explorer context menu that can be used to delete files securely on the operating system.

The security software will delete the file completely so that no traces of it are found on the hard drive where it was stored. The method that is used to delete the files securely is unfortunately not revealed by the developers of the security software. Tests with file recovery tools did not display the deleted tests files when deleted with the Delete On click program.

Delete On Click is a free download that is available on the developer’s website.

How to Change JKS KeyStore Private Key Password

Use following keytool command to change the key store password >keytool  -storepasswd  -new [new password ]  -keystore  [path to key stor...