
Check File Integrity With HashTab

File integrity and authenticity software HashTab was recently update to version 3. Reason enough to take another look at one of the best solutions of verifying the file integrity of files in the Windows operating system as our last review dates back to November of last year. The software developer Cody Batt has not published a changelog on the HashTab website which makes it very difficulty to get information about the changes in this new version of the computer program.

HashTab adds a new tab to the Windows file properties dialog that displays various hashes that have been calculated by the software. These hashes can then be compared with the values provided by their source to verify the file integrity and make sure that the file has not been tampered with.

This method works nicely when downloading software and files from various popular software portals as these usually display at least one sort of hash on the download page so that the users can verify the file integrity. But that is just one example. It can also be used to verify files after downloading them from friends or colleagues.

The hashes that are displayed can be altered in the program’s options. It is theoretically possible to add all 15 different algorithms to the tab. Another interesting option is the ability to compare a file on the same computer system which takes only a few seconds as a second file has to be selected from a local hard drive.

HashTab is still one of the best software programs to verify the file integrity of files on a computer system. Let us know if you find a changelog or information about the changes that the developer has made in the new version.


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