
8 steps to protect your Cisco router

In this article I will give you 8 steps, easy to follow, to minimize your Cisco router exposure by turning off some unused services, applying some access control and applying some security options available on that.
1- Control Access to your router;
2- Restrict telnet access to it;
3- Block Spoof/Malicious packets;
4- Restrict SNMP;
5- Encrypt all passwords;
6- Disable all unused services;
7- Add some security options;
8- Log everything;

1- Control Access to your router
The first thing to do is apply some rules to restrict all external access to some ports of the router. You can block all ports, but it is not always necessary. These commands bellow will protect your router against some reconnaissance attacks and, obviously, will restrict access to these ports:

access-list 110 deny tcp any host $yourRouterIP eq 7
access-list 110 deny tcp any host $yourRouterIP eq 9
access-list 110 deny tcp any host $yourRouterIP eq 13
access-list 110 deny tcp any host $yourRouterIP eq 19
access-list 110 deny tcp any host $yourRouterIP eq 23
access-list 110 deny tcp any host $yourRouterIP eq 79

int x0/0
access-group in 110

Where $yourRouterIP is your router IP and x0/0 is your external interface. We Will always use this convention in this article.

2- Restrict telnet access to it
Telnet is not a very safe protocol to use, but if you really need to use it (you should always use ssh) you might want to restrict all access to it (remember that all your traffic will be unencrypted). The best way to accomplish that is using a standard access-list and the access-class command.

access-list 50 permit
access-list 50 deny any log

line vty 0 4
access-class 50 in
exec-timeout 5 0

Where is the IP address allowed to telnet the router

3- Block Spoof/Malicious packets
You must never allow loopback/reserved IP address from the Internet reach your external
interface and you can reject broadcast and multicast addresses too.

access-list 111 deny ip any
access-list 111 deny ip any
access-list 111 deny ip any
access-list 111 deny ip any
access-list 111 deny ip host any
access-list 111 deny ip any
access-list 111 deny icmp any any redirect

int x0/0
access-group in 111

4- Restrict SNMP
SNMP must always be restrict, unless you want some malicious person getting a lot of information from your network.

access-list 112 deny udp any any eq snmp
access-list 112 permit ip any any

interface x0/0
access-group 112 in

And if you are not going to use SNMP at all, disable it:

no snmp-server

5- Encrypt all passwords
A very important thing to do is protect all your passwords using the powerful algorithm as possible.The password from exec mode, that grants privileged access to the IOS system,
Can be set using a MD5 hash, which is the strongest option available on the Cisco IOS.

enable secret $yourpassword

All other passwords, you can encrypt using the Vigenere cipher that is not Very strong, but can help. To do that, you can use the service password-encryption Command that encrypts all passwords present in you system.

service password-encryption

6- Disable all unused services

6.1 - Disable Echo, Chargen and discard
no service tcp-small-servers
no service udp-small-servers

6.2 - Disable finger
no service finger

6.3 - Disable the httpd interface
no ip http server

6.4 - Disable ntp (if you are not using it)
ntp disable

7- Add some security options

7.1 - Disable source routing
no ip source-route

7.2 - Disable Proxy Arp
no ip proxy-arp

7.3 - Disable ICMP redirects
interface s0/0 (your external interface)
no ip redirects

7.4 - Disable Multicast route Caching
interface s0/0 (your external interface)
no ip mroute-cache

7.5 - Disable CDP
no cdp run

7.6 - Disable direct broadcast (protect against Smurf attacks)
no ip directed-broadcast

8- Log everythingTo finish

you must log everything on an outside Log Server. You must log everything from all your ystems and always analyze the logs.
logging trap debugging

where is the ip of your log server (configured as a Syslog server)

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